redemptive disruption

J. Kameron Carter. This man–the embodiment of intellect and grace and a prophet in our time–calls us to challenge the systems that we are subjected to or continue to hold in place in and outside of the church. In every moment of our everyday existence, Carter says, Jesus encounters us with the call,  ‘follow me.’ As he spoke, I couldn’t help but place myself in this story. In what ways am I being asked to ‘follow?’ Continue reading

Biblical literacy survey results: What is your favorite book in the Bible?

Top 10 Research questions re: interpretation and exegetical elements [for now]

1. Is the sole purpose of Scripture to interpret Scripture plainly so that we may obey it? If so, how do we begin this task? If not, what is?

2. Gorman claims that the real goal of theological interpretation is to have the text “read, question, and form us” (148) and that it is to be done “in, with, and for the church” to be the church that appropriate to the gospel. What does this process look like when training new (or reorienting seasoned) leaders?

3. What kinds of texts does the Holy Spirit sanctify? In that same regard, what types of texts does the spirit flee from?

4. There are multiple meanings and readings of texts to different people. How do we know which one is the ‘right’ one?

5. What role does culture (and for that matter, history) play in the interpretation of Scripture?

6. What is the Rule of Faith and how does it apply to the interpretation of Scripture?

7. What kind of persons and what kind of community does Scripture urge its readers to become?

8. With so many versions of the Bible, what guidance do we give someone who is looking for a Bible?

9. Does Scripture have an intrinsic or inherent authority without clarity or relevancy? If so, how do we make Scripture clear and relevant to today’s reader?

10. What are the markings of sound Scriptural interpretation?


Are you trained to hear God?

I attended this morning’s eucharist service at SPU. 7:30am on a Friday in a small chapel with beautiful stained glass and brick walls. It kind of reminded me of my childhood when dad served small rural churches in Iowa; the old smell of wooden seats that creaked every time someone squirmed in their seat. As we listed to Dr. Castelo’s word, he talked about how we must be trained to hear God. Our senses must be reoriented. Our ears must be tuned, our heart warmed, our mind ready to think and understand if we are truly going to claim the label “Christian.” We must be molded and reconfigured into something new.

As this new academic year begins, I wonder in what ways my spiritual senses will be heightened.